Executive OnBoarding

Ready to Lead?

Almost 50% of new executive hires fail within 18 months. And the odds only stubbornly improve when executives face internal promotions or gain new responsibilities from reorganizations, acquisitions or “lane changes.”

Over 70% of Fortune 500 companies use internal mentoring, because of its ability to improve retention and job performance. But with executives, there is typically nobody internally to mentor them.

Calliope works with hiring companies and individual executives to provide mentoring from external executive mentors who bring experience and credibility from having served in executive positions. The program is designed to accelerate a new executive’s impact on your organization and to sustain it.

 The Cost of Failure

  • The cost to recruit an exec can be over $125K.
  • Add compensation, benefits, severance and an additional search, and the cost of a failed hire can easily be $1M.
  • Add costs of employee defections and damaged customer relations, and costs can reach $3M.
  • Add the impact on stock price, and the value of failed hire can approach $10M.

Mentoring & Coaching for Retention and Performance

  • 90% of companies see new employee retention as a big issue.
  • 73% of companies have some onboarding programs for executives, but 53% last less than one week.
  • 47% of executives receive no formal coaching or mentoring when assuming new roles.
  • Companies with onboarding for executives see 2.5x profit growth of those that don’t.
  • Retention is 25% higher for employees who have engaged in company sponsored mentoring.
  • The ROI for companies that invest in coaching is 7x the initial investment