Project Management

Not for Everyone

Not everyone is cut out for Project Management. In fact, we would argue that few are and those that are have been formally trained or had extensive on-the-job experience or both; most likely both.

Project managers face many challenges and how they respond to those challenges has a significant impact on the outcomes of the project. The challenges of project management mean that ongoing learning is a requirement. In addition, project managers who seek feedback from stakeholders and learn from that feedback are better able to identify and deal with any obstacles that have a negative impact on the project.

Project managers must possess and are expected to possess an array of technical, business, and leadership skills to help them perform their responsibilities. However, there are baseline traits common to all successful professional project managers. These qualities include being goal-oriented, accountability, excellent communication skills, time management, budget management, collaboration, and drive; an overall discipline within the discipline.

Project management involves social interaction and the ability to develop and maintain good relationships. Negotiating with stakeholders in a way that maintains harmonious relationships while facilitating mutually beneficial decisions is key.

Just like a product is a product manager’s “baby,” a project manager’s project is their baby. Calliope knows these positions can be challenging to fill because the right person with all the necessary knowledge, experience, and skills AND who is a good cultural fit for your organization is often hard to find. By sourcing and vetting candidates for your organization, Calliope will increase your overall recruiting efficiency and ensure that you are considering only the top talent.